Ad + Analytics = Adalytics.

Get hold of all the digital ad campaigns, and set their visibility based on expiry date, impressions, or clicks. Measure your ad performance against the set goals.

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Everyday Data
Measure the ad’s performance based on multiple metrics including impressions, clicks, click-through-rate (CTR), cost-per-click (CPC), & cost-per-mille (CPM).
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Well Managed
Enable or Disable, Add or Edit your ads. You have all the control over the ads - anywhere, anytime. Get the downloadable copies of the acquired data.
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Highly Customizable
Device-based delivery. Serve separate ads for mobile and desktop views. Ensure optimum visibility of the ads and ensure best outcome for each individual ad campaigns.

A true state-of-the-art

Sit back and relax... Prixa Adalytics has it all to take care for you.

Great features you'll love to use.

Easy on the eyes. Each of the visually distinct diagrams will give you performance overview of each of the campaigns, ad sets and ads.



While we are trying our best to quench your curiosity to know more about Prixa Adalytics, here are a few questions we thought would make it easy for you.
Prixa Adalytics is the latest Advertiser-Publisher Relationship Management System (APRM system) for Nepal that provides vital information on digital media metrics of advertisements to the publishers and advertisers. If you or your organization places ads over digital channels such as news portals, blogs, or other high traffic websites, this is definitely a system you might want to subscribe.
Basically there are two aspects of the system through which you can derive benefits. First is the ad management system which allows you to add, edit or delete the ads on your own. Second, is the analytics tool that provides data on ad impressions, clicks, users, browsers used, country, devices used and a few more.
As an organization who has worked with numerous companies, including research labs and news portals, we are serious about data privacy issue. Our engineers have made a special attention to this and we ensure the data is well secured and is safe and sound. These are our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service .
You may start with a 10 days of free trial period. For this, just scroll to the "Get a demo" section right above and fill out the form. One of our team members will surely get back to you asap. If you would like to contact us on your own, you may either reach us at 9801314900 or email us at [email protected].
Still have unanswered questions? Get in touch

Contact: +977 9801314900

Email: [email protected]